Wednesday, May 19, 2010

10 days later, plant your seedlings in small pots

So you have kept your seeds on wet cotton pads in complete darkness. After 10 days, they have sprouted a long white root, and two yellowish round leaves are beginning to appear under the elevated seed shell. Some seeds have even developed faster and have two additional slightly larger and clearly serrated leaves.

You can place the seedlings in sunlight (not direct sun) for one day, for the leaves to become green and the stems pink-brown. This will help delimit the stem from the root, and avoid potting the stem too deep in the soil, which will cause it to rot and die.

Pot each seedling in a 15-cm-diameter plastic pot. Start by pouring rich soil mix to fill up one third or half of the pot. Use small scissors to gently cut through the cotton pad around the root, making sure not to harm it. Then place the seedling and attached piece of cotton pad in the pot, and cover with soil mix, leaving the stem and leaves above soil level.
Beirut420 In the pots


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